In Australian transport news, New South Wales saw the opening of the newest and largest regional terminal being opened in Australia courtesy of Pacific National. The new terminal named Parkes Logistics Terminal with a price tag of $35 million is slated to increase inland rail productivity by focusing on the fact that the terminal will be epicenter for future regional growth.
The location of the Parkes Logistic Terminal is what makes it quite the regional player. The new terminal connects to Linfox, Pacific National (Linfox entered into a consortium with Pacific National back in 2017 thus working as a unit), and SCT Logistics. Furthermore, it also connect to multi modal transport avenues such as inland rail to Brisbane and Melbourne, rail and road to Sydney, as well as road to Condobolin and Sydney and not to mention the Newell Highway to Melbourne too. The following image courtesy of Infrastructure Magazine highlights its position as the crossroad to all regional transport modes making it quite the player in Australian transport.

If you are looking for more information into the Parkes Terminal and more depth to the Australian transport news, then you should know that Pacific National was committed to the $35 million investment, which is located in the Parkes Shire Council’s National Transport Hub which covers 600 hectares. Pacific National owns 365 hectares of the 600 included in the hub. As one of the largest private investment infrastructure project, it aided in boosting momentum in the Brisbane to Melbourne Federal Government inland rail project.
Parkes Logistic Terminal is able to process a capacity of approx. 450,000 shipping containers annually, as well as haul double stacked containers via the 1800m long freight trains connecting Perth to the Parkes Logistics Terminal. Its connection to other modal means, such as the North West Link (that is already in operation) and the ongoing work of the Inland Rail project slated to be completed in mid-2020, it also connects major rail networks to state capitals and ports.

The Parkes Logistics Terminal will definitely make great headway in inland freight operations!
Images: Infrastructure Magazine, Parkes Shire Council