Where the Australian Logistics Industry Is Heading
Where the Australian Logistics Industry Is Heading
The Australian logistics industry is an important factor to the national, being an island, and thus many measures are taken to grow the transport, logistics and shipping industry state-by-state and as a nation on a yearly basis. In this blog … Continue reading
Changes in the Logistics Industry in Sri Lanka
Last year, the government of Sri Lanka announced an amendment towards two logistics related acts (Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act, No. 51 of 1979 and the Merchants Shipping Act, No. 52 of 1971) during the 2017 Budget. The acts were … Continue reading
Air Freight Demands are on the Rise
In November of last year, reports showed that more and more people were looking to air freight to supply their demands for almost instant delivery or gratification of e-commerce products. With an 8.8% increase against the previous year, compared … Continue reading
Global Supply Chain and Trade from a Post-Brexit Perspective
In our previous blog post, What Brexit means for Global Trade, we looked at the implications on the United Kingdom leaving the Europe Union referendum. We also looked at how that would ultimately affect trade relations within the EU Member … Continue reading
Brexit and What it Means for Global Trade
Brexit has caused much discussion and deliberation in the recent past between government and countries in global trade with the United Kingdom, investors, and even stock exchanges to name a few. Brexit concerns the United Kingdom’s European Union referendum and … Continue reading
World Merchant Fleets
Taking a quick look at the world merchant fleets in action in the last few years, showcasing a steady 3.3% increase in deadweight tons (dwt) terms. World merchant fleets are classified as those that include ships of 10,000 gross tonnage … Continue reading
Australian Export Market Performance Review Over 2015-2016
With the last year (2016) coming under review soon, we wanted to highlight how the Australian export market has been performing in the most recent years. We will look into the top export of goods and services, the perspective of … Continue reading
Strategic Business Plans for the Sri Lankan Maritime Industry
In our previous blog, we looked into how the Colombo Port is slated to become a key transhipment hub in Asia with its pending East Container Terminal developments and investment opportunities to global shipping players. The Colombo Port also has … Continue reading
Plans for Colombo to becomes a key Transhipment Hub in Asia
The island of Sri Lanka is currently home to seven ports with the Port of Colombo, Port of Hambantota, the Trincomalee Harbour and Oluvil Harbour being those utilised in majority. Since the end of the three-decade civil war in 2009, … Continue reading
Sea Cargo Trade Routes and the Global Shipping Industry
For centuries before the advent of modern trading practices, the island of Sri Lanka was a key player in ancient Silk Road sea cargo trade routes. However, with changes in the global shipping industry, the introduction of China’s One Belt and … Continue reading